The client, a local city government, comprised of various departments including administration, public works, and the police force, is a critical entity serving a diverse community through its 125 employees spread across five locations. Engaged directly with both city officials and the alderman, our task was to address a significant challenge: the absence of a formal IT Risk Assessment for over a decade. This period of oversight had resulted in no documented IT processes or plans, a situation exacerbated by a high turnover rate within their IT department. Recognizing the urgent need to evaluate their existing IT infrastructure and practices, the city aimed to conduct a thorough assessment before committing to any substantial IT investments.

Faced with a decade-long lack of formal IT evaluation and the challenges of high departmental turnover, the city government had three primary objectives for the IT Risk Assessment. First, they sought to ensure that their IT landscape was secure and free from vulnerabilities that could disrupt municipal operations. This was critical in safeguarding the data integrity and operational continuity of vital city services. Second, the assessment aimed to thoroughly evaluate the risks associated with the current IT infrastructure and explore the potential benefits of transitioning to a cloud-based infrastructure. This shift was considered as a means to enhance flexibility, scalability, and possibly reduce costs. Lastly, the city intended to benchmark their IT spending against similar-sized organizations to determine if their current investment levels were appropriate and efficient. By addressing these goals, the city hoped to gain a clear understanding of their IT environment, enabling informed decision-making for future technology investments and strategies.

By clearly defining these objectives, the city hoped to achieve a comprehensive understanding of their current IT framework and make informed decisions that would strengthen their technological infrastructure and governance, paving the way for a more efficient and compliant future.

Category: Technology
Clients: City of Wooddale
Location: Wooddale IL
Date: 02/22/2023

Problem Statements

Faced with significant challenges due to a long-neglected formal IT evaluation and high departmental turnover, the city government established several key objectives for the IT Risk Assessment. Initially, they aimed to ensure that their IT landscape was secure and free from vulnerabilities, a critical measure to maintain the integrity and continuity of city operations. Further, the assessment was tasked with evaluating the risks associated with the current IT infrastructure and the potential benefits of transitioning to a cloud-based infrastructure to enhance flexibility and scalability. In addition to these specific aims, the city had broader objectives focusing on the governance and operational efficiency of their IT systems. They sought to verify that IT governance was compliant with all applicable laws and regulations, ensuring that their practices were up to date with legal requirements. This was particularly crucial in maintaining public trust and adherence to governance standards. Moreover, the city was interested in understanding the types of cloud migration strategies available and selecting the most suitable option that would positively impact their operational efficiency. This strategic approach was intended to optimize resource allocation, improve service delivery, and ultimately lead to cost-effective governance.

  • IT Staff Turnover
  • Outdated Infrastructure
  • Compliance Complexity
  • Inadequate Security Measures
  • Inadequate Security
  • Insufficient Disaster Recovery

Our Approach

For the IT assessment, we adopted a comprehensive approach that involved an initial diagnostic of existing IT systems to identify critical vulnerabilities and inefficiencies. Our team engaged with key stakeholders to understand their operational needs and challenges. We utilized advanced analytical tools to scrutinize data flows, security practices, and infrastructure robustness. This methodical evaluation enabled us to provide tailored recommendations that addressed both immediate concerns and strategic objectives for long-term technological resilience.

  • Initial System Diagnostic Review
  • Stakeholder Engagement Sessions
  • Advanced Analytical Tool Usage
  • Data Flow Examination
  • Security Practice Evaluation
  • Implementation Planning.
  • Infrastructure Robustness Testing
  • Tailored Recommendation Development
  • Strategic Objective Alignment
  • Sustainability and Long-Term Planning.

Implementation & Details

1. Technology Assessment
  • Our technology assessment rigorously examined current IT frameworks, pinpointed vulnerabilities, and formulated enhancements. We conducted in-depth analyses of system performance and security protocols, assessed compliance levels, and identified opportunities for strategic improvements, ensuring the infrastructure became robust, compliant, and aligned with future growth.
2. Governance Practices
  • During the Technology Assessment, we evaluated the city's governance practices by scrutinizing policy compliance, oversight mechanisms, and administrative procedures. We verified adherence to legal standards, assessed accountability frameworks, and analyzed data protection strategies to ensure robust, transparent, and compliant IT governance.
3. Cybersecurity Enhancement
  • In the Technology Assessment, we meticulously evaluated the city’s cybersecurity practices by examining network security protocols, intrusion detection systems, and data encryption methods. We scrutinized vulnerability management procedures and assessed incident response strategies to fortify the city’s defense against cyber threats and enhance overall security posture.



IT Risks







